Laptop, glasses and computer mouse on table.

I am so excited to let you all know that I will be speaking at Build Your Blog Conference again in February on How to Make Pinterest work for YOU. I’ll be teaching all about how to create a strategy that fits you and your Pinterest marketing.

Last year, I spoke on digging deep in Pinterest and so many of you attended they had to close the doors to my classroom!

What I loved most about BYBC is that it hit on all levels of blogging. If you were a newbie, there was a place and topics for you and the same for intermediate and advanced. I also had the chance to build some amazing relationships with business-minded women who were eager to build their business. Over the last year, I’ve watched them grow and they’ve watched me. We’ve been cheerleaders on each other’s sidelines.

You can purchase a ticket and get $50 off by using the code SimplePin50  You definitely do not want to miss out on this awesome deal!

To see a full list of all the great speakers and more details about the conference, head to Build Your Blog Conference to sign up today! I hope to see you there!

Giveaway winner –> Magen! We’ve emailed you. 🙂


  1. Hey Kate,

    It is really great honor for people to understand whole working mechanism of pinterest by you. From my best knowledge, you always provide better tips regarding single topic i.e, Pinterest and I’ve learned many significant properties pertaning to this social media platform specially by you. It can be great opportunity for people to join this conference in order to boost their learning. Eventually, thanks for sharing your worthy thought with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

  2. I’d love to go to a blogging conference, but so far, it hasn’t worked out. Thank you too for the Pinterest strategies you lay out. I can honestly say that my Pinterest traffic has grown since our 30 minute phone chat. I’m a believer!

  3. Now that I’ve been taking blogging seriously for a few months, I am ready to go to a blogging conference and this one sounds fabulous! Thanks for letting us “newbies” know about it! Keeping my fingers crossed to win a ticket! 😉

  4. I would love to go to the conference. I am new to blogging, but already have 6000 followers on Pinterest and would love to increase it. I am working on your program now.


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