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In this podcast, Kate talks to Meighan O’Toole about all things AI and ChatGPT, and how it can be used for business. Meighan is a self-described systems nerd and business problem solver. We first met Meighan through her ChatGPT Time-Saving Toolbox (our audience LOVED this), and then we continued the conversation around ChatGPT and AI.

AI is making headlines everywhere. It’s even making it’s way into Pinterest marketing. However you feel about it – it’s coming in hot, and best to learn how to use it in the right way instead of ignoring the movement.

Kate and Meighan walk through what’s new with AI and ChatGPT, how it can be used to truly save you time and brain space, and why it’s worth jumping on the AI train.

silhouette of person's face with text "how to use chatgpt in pinterest marketing".

Meighan started off by sharing that she found herself pretty skeptical about new tools and software programs and platforms. After being in the online business space for a long time, she found it hard to get excited about new things, as they were often gone shortly after they were introduced.

She heard about ChatGPT, but chalked it up to “just another tool” that would probably not be important in a few months.

At this same time, Meighan was really working hard at passing some tasks and jobs off to her amazing assistant. But as every business owner knows, sometimes it feels harder to teach someone how to do something, than to actually do it yourself.

so how does chatgpt work?

She used a ChatGPT prompt to pull up a step-by-step guide to pass something on to her assistant, and what it came up with was amazing. She realized with the right prompts and knowing how to use ChatGPT well, she could save so much time in her business.

This AI tool not only saved her time and energy but rekindled her passion for her work. She was able to streamline her processes and launch a successful workshop within weeks. Over 3 days, she was able to outline the workshop, write the emails to launch the workshop, write SOPs for how to build the tech needed, and so much more. This was all done over a weekend!

She has found it to be so helpful for sparking creativity, outlining blog posts that she can update and make more “human”, and called it a new assistant to her business.

But that’s not all – the unexpected twist? This newfound knowledge sparked a desire to share it with others.


One of the lesser-discussed benefits of AI technology is the space it frees for creativity. By automating repetitive tasks or generating ideas, you can focus on finding more creative space, brainstorming, and producing more content.

In the podcast, Meighan talks about her ADHD diagnosis, and how ChatGPT has helped remove some of the obstacles she used to struggle with. It helps her move past the “blank screen” issue, and helps her feel less overwhelmed when getting started with a brand new project.

You can also use these types of AI tools to help you write hard emails. For example, if you need to tell a client that something they’re asking for is outside the scope of their contract, you can use ChatGPT to help you outline what you’d like to say.

silhouette of person's face with digital code over top.

concerns about ai and chatgpt?

Meighan says if you’re concerned that ChatGPT isn’t giving you quite what you’re looking for, there are a few things you can try:

  • Use “please” and “thank you” in your prompts. You can actually “train” AI to be kinder in what it returns to you.
  • Have a conversation! If your initial prompt doesn’t produce results that totally fit what you’re looking for, give it more context. AI doesn’t have feelings, so you can just say something like “No, more like this with x type of customer”.
  • Make AI “additive, not addictive” – learn what Pinterest has to say about that here

FINAL THOUGHTS: AI is all around us – Alexa, Netflix, Pinterest, Amazon. Meighan recommends trying to fight the urge to be cynical about using AI or ChatGPT. Get curious, test it out, see what you think. If you hate it, don’t use it. But you might be surprised.

We’d love to hear what you thought of this episode! This is a big topic and “how does ChatGPT work?” feels like a big question. We hope it was helpful!

Share your thoughts or questions by leaving a comment on this blog post or sending us a DM on Instagram.

To learn more about Meighan and her services, check out her website.

Additional Resources Covered in Podcast:

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