“Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” -Mattie Stepanek

Meet the Simple Pin media Team

At Simple Pin Media, we believe in teamwork. Each person within the company brings unique gifts and talents that help to serve our clients and community. Simple Pin Media would not be what it is today without this team.

Kate Ahl, CEO of Simple Pin Media.

Kate Ahl

Owner & CEO At Simple Pin Media

Visionary, leader, team cheerleader, teacher, podcaster, and lover of all things Pinterest. Using her gift of leadership, she develops, champions, and supports the women of this team to be better every day.

Leadership Team

The leaders within the company. Those who take the vision handed down and create a plan to implement and bring it to fruition. These directors serve each one of our branches at SPM — Marketing, services, operations, and Promoted Pins.

headshot of Leslie Cunningham, COO of Simple Pin Media.

Leslie Cunningham


The gatekeeper for the CEO and implementor of all action plans at SPM. Leslie is a leader, coach, EOS integrator, and truth-teller.

blond woman with dark colored shirt smiling.

Risa Ryan

Service Director

Risa handles all Simple Pin Media organic management and one-time services. She helps the team work like clockwork, ensures everyone is up-to-date on strategy and works to bring in new clients. 

Simple Pin Team member - Erin.

Erin Harding

Pinterest ads DIRECTOR

Spicy, smart, quick-witted, kind, and eager to help you rock your Pinterest ads. She’s so obsessed with houseplants, she wrote a book — How to raise a plant and make it love you back.

overhead shot of team drawing on poster board.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” – Henry Ford

Simple Pin TeamS

Under each of the directors is a group of amazingly talented women serving on the following teams.

Organic Management

Pinterest Ads Management
