Simple Pin Media Inner Circle

Simple Pin Inner Circle

You’re looking for THE Pinterest course that is going to answer all the questions you have about Pinterest. 

The foundations, strategy, pinning, and for the love of all things holy you just need someone to tell you how many pins per day and how far apart you need to schedule. 

  • Type A’s of the world, I see you. You need a plan. 
  • Tyle B’s of the world, I see you too. You also need a plan.

And not just any plan that someone came up with based on their experience, but a plan that takes into consideration your goals, business model, time, targeting, and need for growth. 

A woman's hand is writing in a notebook with a computer screen open to a graph in the backgroun.

picture this…

You have a group of people with the same goal of growing their business on Pinterest. 

Sales, email sign-ups, traffic, affiliate sales…you’re all rowing in the same direction of growth. 

Put them together for a short time with experts. 

Now build a roadmap of Pinterest marketing tasks that are perfectly mapped out in the right order.

Give them a coach to guide them through the roadmap.

Add to that two live coaching calls and you have Pinterest MAGIC! 

Our team set out to create a new type of learning, the Simple Pin Inner Circle. We launched it with 15 members and our goal was to learn as much from them as they were from us. 

Before we dive into their results, here’s what the Simple Pin Inner Circle is…

A Pinterest Mastermind.

It’s just like what it sounds. A group of business owners all working towards the goal of creating a Pinterest marketing strategy that grows their business. In just 6 weeks.

Our goal is to help you unlock growth and engagement with our proven Pinterest marketing framework used with thousands of Pinterest accounts. 

Week 1

Join & Pinterest Audit

When you join the Inner Circle you’re brought into a Slack group with other members who have the same goal of figuring out how to use Pinterest for their business. 

Inside the Slack group, you’ll find your Simple Pin Concierge, Sara. She will be leading you through the curriculum, answering your questions, and even open to dm’s. 

She will be there to answer any questions you have, help troubleshoot when you’re struggling, and hold you accountable for finishing the work. 

You’ll complete a branding form so we have information on you, your goals, and a general understanding of your brand. Not only do we want you to fill this out for us, but for you as well. 

Week 1

First Call

You’ll be on Zoom for our first kick-off call. You’ll learn what will be covered over the 6 weeks, the outline of the group, and how our team can help support you.

Plus, we’re going to cover the roadmap for how to audit, develop, and plan for your perfect Pinterest strategy.

This is also a time to make sure all tech connections are completed. We will give you resources for low-cost tech people to reach out to for help if needed. 

It’s time to dive into analytics! How to assess your numbers, establish a baseline, and evaluate goals for growth. 

In addition, we help you establish your keyword bank! These are the keywords that will help you get seen in search.

Week 3

Clean up and organize your Pinterest account.

We have a detailed PDF about how to clean up and organize your Pinterest account. This includes all settings, profile, boards, and the look of your account. 

Week 4

Master Images & Video Pins! 

We will provide you with 5 templates in Canva to help get your creative juices flowing. Drop your new creations in the Slack channel and we can give you feedback. These are templates our design team has created especially for the Inner Circle.

Time to catch up on all your questions and help you troubleshoot where you’re stuck.

Week 5


This is where we get to the heart of what to pin, when to pin, how often to pin, the scheduling tool we use, and how to develop a plan that doesn’t take you hours.  You can share screenshots of your Tailwind Queue, test out other scheduling tools, and ask for feedback.

Week 6

Strategy + final call 

Join the final call on Zoom. We know you’ve put in the work and we don’t want anyone feeling unsettled or have any questions. If you get to the end and feel like you’re set up and ready to go but need more support, we will provide a monthly option for you.

the investment…

$697 for the 6-week Pinterest mastermind

**I know this sounds like a lot but our students that went through the first round found that 2-4 hours a week was not enough during the mastermind to get the maximum results. This is realistic and we want to be honest about the time needed.

**Doors open in January 2025

Why Inner Circle?

We have a Pinterest marketing service called the Accelerator where we do ALL of this for our clients. We have received great feedback on that program over the last 18 months that it’s been running. 

But there are those of you who want to do this yourself. You need to understand the strategy and tactics you’re using. How to adjust and make changes when needed.

We wanted to bring what we offer our clients to your business while doing it WITH you. You’re doing the work but we’re coaching you.

Yes, you can just buy a course but there’s a flaw in that model. 

Most don’t get completed. 

And several of the courses out there are tested on only a small demographic and limited niche. 

Not only have we tested our tactics but we know how to troubleshoot keywords, images, daily pinning, and so much more. 

Our team can tell you what works and doesn’t work. And if we find something we’ve never tested before we will test it first on my Pinterest account and second on our other test accounts. 

And we won’t give you the results until we’ve dug deep to figure out if it works or not. 

If we wouldn’t use it with our clients’ accounts we wouldn’t teach it. 

Last, the big-name courses that get all the play get hardly any good results. Believe me, I’ve heard from their students and their marketing is better than their education. 

Fantastic question and you should ALWAYS ask that before diving into a new education endeavor for your business. 

Here’s what some of the founding members said after completing the mastermind.

“Foundation and Strategy”

Five star rating.

“If you’re struggling with consistency, or wondering how to ensure exposure for your posts or products inner circle will give you the foundation and strategy you need. From keyword selection to pin creation, they have tons of best practices to guide your process. I’ve never participated in a course with such a generous and helpful supportive team.”


I’m tired of seeing good small business owners waste their money on Pinterest courses only to get less-than-stellar results. And NONE of their questions were answered.

Leaving them with a course that did absolutely nothing. 

So I’m done sitting in the background watching really good marketers sell really terrible courses. 

Let’s speed up your time, speed up your learning, provide the support you need, AND get you the results you want. 

In just 6 weeks. 

This is not the part where I say.. “But wait, there’s more”.

The Simple Pin Inner Circle has 6 weeks mapped out for you of what you need to achieve Pinterest success. It’s the exact model we take our clients through. Done, end of story, it’s all you need.

woman in black shirt and jeans holding glasses.

  1. Mastering a Pinterest strategy for your business is at the top of your list for this year. 
  2. You have 6 weeks to commit to this mastermind. 
  3. You have 2-4 hours per week to complete the tasks.
  4. You’re a self-starter
  5. You’re done buying courses that don’t help you take action. 
  6. You want the inside look at the Simple Pin Media method.
  1. You’re in the middle of a re-brand.
  2. You don’t have time. It’s fine. I ONLY want people who have some margin in their business time to take this. 
  3. You have vacations planned. We want you to get the most out of this time. 
  4. You’re looking for hacks or a quick rise to the top. I don’t teach those. There are plenty of YouTube videos of dudes teaching those hacks for free. Save your time and watch those instead.

“I finally nailed down a pinning strategy for all three of my Pinterest Business accounts. With the help I got from the program, I’ve set up a simple system that we can stick to and that I’m confident will help my business grow in the long run.” – Destini

person sitting at desk with hands on laptop.

Some questions you might have, especially if you’re a fact-finder and want to make sure this is a solid investment for you. 

The cost is $697. Includes 2 coaches, Slack community, 2 Zoom calls, 1 working call, Pinterest Image templates, video guides, and PDF guides for the work. And a year’s worth of Pinterest research and knowledge from the SPM team!

Yes, 2 payments of $350 each. The first payment is when you sign up and then another payment is billed automatically at the 4-week mark. A total of $700 for the 2 payments. 

Think of it like this…Take a course, mastermind, and live workshop fuse it all together and you have the Simple Pin Inner Circle. It combines education with accountability in the span of 6 weeks. I’m not interested in you buying a course and letting it sit in your inbox. Let’s take action on this in a short amount of time so you can get it done!

The next cohort will be in 2025.

We will be hosting the group inside our Slack channel where we can answer your questions and the rest of the group can give feedback as well. Then any video calls will be hosted in Zoom.

We have assigned two of our leading Simple Pin Media team members, Sara and Emily, who have extensive experience working with all different types of accounts. They will be explaining the weekly action items, walking you through any necessary steps to complete tasks, hosting Zoom calls, and answering questions. 

The Accelerator program is something we take all of our Done For You clients through. We do all the steps for them and transition them into monthly management when they are finished. Or they outsource to their team. This product costs $2997 while the Inner Circle is $697 and you’re doing the work yourself but WITH our team. If you want to know more about the accelerator you can learn more here.

First, scroll up and read the details each week but if you’re talking high-level then I would say this….

  • A fully optimized Pinterest account that you’ve audited and assessed for changes.
  • Pinterest Images that get clicks + a plan for updating them as often as you need (we will include our templates as well!)
  • A keyword game plan for optimizing for Pinterest search. 
  • A pinning strategy that works and doesn’t take you hours. We do use and recommend a scheduling tool that will help walk you through a scheduling plan. 
  • A Pinterest marketing plan that feels tailored to your business and the needs you have for growth. 

And the best part…never having to look for another Pinterest course again. Because you’re going to set this all up, know how to do it, adjust it, and make the tweaks necessary when needed.

Click the link on this page and checkout. After checkout, you’ll receive instructions to join the Slack group, dates for the Zoom calls, and introductions to your instructors.

The cart is open for 1 week.

If you have buyer’s remorse and on day 1 you’re not all in then we can work something out. If it’s after week 1 we do not offer refunds.

Anyone who wants to use Pinterest marketing as a part of their marketing plan. 

  • eCommerce sellers who want to make more sales using Pinterest. 
  • Content Creators who want to grow their email list using Pinterest. 
  • Content Creators who want to make affiliate sales from Pinterest. 
  • Business-to-business owners who know their audience is on Pinterest and want to get new leads.
Simple Pin Media Inner Circle

Here’s a reminder of what’s included:

  • Step-by-step blueprint: A detailed list of what to do each week in your Pinterest account so you’re set up for success. The structure of what to do is based on our experience with 1000s of other clients.
  • 6 weeks of coaching: Join the Slack channel for discussion, the 2 Zoom calls for Q&A and then a Q&A call for accountability. You will not be left to figure this out alone. 
  • Weekly action plans: Put your learning into practice with actionable steps to implement each week.
  • Simple PIn Concierge: A dedicated team member to help guide you through the process with history and knowledge of multiple accounts.
  • Bonus resources: Downloadable templates, checklists, and videos to accelerate your success.

**Doors open in early 2025.