Search Results for: idea pins

cell phone with Jumprope app displayed - text "How the Jumprope app can level up your pin creation process".

#228 – How the Jumprope App Can Level Up Your Pin Creation Process

UPDATE: On August 20th 2021, the owners of the Jumprope app will sunset the existing platform and will focus on helping creators around the world share their stories, skills and ideas on LinkedIn. You can read more about this new partnership in this article. In this week’s episode, we are diving into the best way…

white desk with laptop and vase full of tulips - text "conversion insights: A new Pinterest tool for eCommerce".

New Pinterest Tool for eCommerce: How to Use Conversion insights

Conversion Insights is the latest Pinterest tool to hit the scene! It’s a tool specifically for business users within the Verified Merchant Program. The purpose of this new Pinterest tool is to help marketers better understand how their content is performing on the platform. Basically, it helps you to determine outcomes like: making a sale…

computer with Google dashboard displayed - text "Tracking Pinterest Everything with a Google Data Studio Dashboard".

#226 – Tracking Pinterest Everything with Google Data Studio

Learn about Google Data Studio and how you can utilize this free tool to track Pinterest EVERYTHING! We talk a lot about using analytics to find your perfect person on Pinterest. Analytics hold the key to achieving your marketing goals. They provide the data you need to determine whether if your marketing is actually working….

desk with laptop - text "what keywords should I be using this winter on Pinterest?".

#222 – Winter Pinterest Trends: Keywords You Should Be Targeting

Winter Pinterest trends is the topic of today’s discussion – using trends data to choose the right winter keywords. Let’s dig in! When it comes to Pinterest marketing, one of the most important things you can do is to use the right Pinterest keywords. Keywords are like everything else on Pinterest – some are evergreen…

cozy reading nook - text "calling all interior designers: how to build brand awareness with pinterest".

#221 – Pinterest Marketing for Interior Designers: How to Build Awareness

We’re starting off the new year by drilling down into a super fun niche — Pinterest marketing for interior designers! As we begin a brand new year of Pinterest marketing tips, I am excited to bring you an episode that really gives weight to the idea that anyone can market their business on Pinterest. If…

tablet on desk displaying Pinterest app - text "running your first promoted pin campaign: what you need to know".

217 – What to Expect from Your First Promoted Pin Campaign on Pinterest

If you’ve been doing Pinterest marketing for a bit and you’re ready to stick your toe into the Pinterest ads waters, you’ll want to listen to today’s episode. Erin and Elysha (Simple Pin’s Pinterest Ads team) are going to tell you what you can expect from your very first Pinterest Ads campaign. NOTE: At the…

woman flipping through book on table - text "5 Smart Steps to Mastering Pinterest".

#213 – Smart Ways to Master Pinterest Marketing in 2021

It’s hard to believe but it’s already time to start preparing for how you’re going to handle your Pinterest marketing in 2021. Your Pinterest marketing is an investment in your business, and the truth is, Pinterest has changed. Anybody with an online business who uses Pinterest as part of their marketing plan can tell you…