It’s that time of year! Time to dust off the cobwebs from your Pinterest boards and clean up your account. 

We’ve covered this topic a few times but it’s always a good refresher. If you have your Pinterest account to a place where you want it to be, you’re good. But if you haven’t cleaned up your Pinterest account in awhile, buzz through these quick tips to make sure you’re not missing anything. 

It’s always a good idea to do a quick audit of your profile and boards from time to time, to make sure everything you have on there is still relevant to your brand.

flat lay of white and black journal with text "how to clean up and refresh your pinterest business account".

how to audit your pinterest profile and boards

This is going to sound odd, but I always like to start with this: Why are you using Pinterest and what are your goals in using the platform?

Take at least 15 minutes and write out your strategy statement if you haven’t already. This is a helpful guide for why marketing on the platform makes sense for YOUR brand. When traffic has its ups and downs, this will help you stay focused on what’s important.

Then think of the metrics that are going to guide you (clicks, saves, impressions, followers, etc). Pick the top 3 you want to keep as your guide as you clean up your Pinterest account and audit your boards.

RELATED: How to evaluate your Pinterest marketing strategy

Now let’s move to the technical part.


Take a quick glance at your boards. Do they still reflect your mission or niche? Does your profile picture, description, and overall boards still communicate your message? If not, make a few changes.

NOTE: You can no longer use a video at the top of your header. Pinterest is removing the ability for them to play, so just use a static image. 


Retitle your boards if needed and make sure your board descriptions are really clear. Move any personal boards or boards that don’t fit your niche to secret, so Pinterest doesn’t get confused as to what your brand is about.


I asked my team the annual question: Are the group boards your client is on getting good engagement?

Some said maybe 1-2 were in their top performing boards, but most people didn’t feel like they needed them. So if you have a group board that doesn’t seem worth it OR you don’t have a board like that on your own account – ditch it and create your own. 

flat lay of black and white journal with black push pins lying on table.

We’ve talked about this a lot before, and it used to be recommended as a strategy to get more traffic, but we’ve just never seen it play out. We still don’t recommend it as a consistent practice, because it just doesn’t seem to be worth your time.

We’d love to hear from you! Do you regularly “spring clean” your Pinterest account or did we miss a step that you like to take? Leave a comment here on the blog post or send us a DM on Instagram!

For Further Listening/Reading:

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