>>> UPDATED FOR 2024! <<<

your quick start guide to pinterest keywords

Includes current trending keywords for all seasons in 10+ categories like travel, finance, food, beauty and more (and non-seasonal ideas!)

    layout of pages from pinterest keyword planning guide.

    Are you using the right keywords for your business?

    down arrow.

    While there’s no one right way to do Pinterest or the “perfect” set of keywords to use for each business, this free keyword planning guide will help you make sure you’re on the right track.

    While not every keyword for every season will fit your business, having all the trending keywords in one place will help you come up with content ideas, think outside the box when promoting and marketing your website or product.

    Kinda like a Cliff’s Notes for keywording on Pinterest. 😉

    What’s inside your keyword planning guide?

    • Trending keywords for all seasons in 10+ categories
    • How to use (and NOT use) keywords on Pinterest
    • Non-seasonal keyword ideas
    • Reminders for holidays and important dates
    • Additional pages for brainstorming and note-taking
    individual pages of keyword planning guide fanned out.
    front page of planning guide on top of grid of inside pages.

    a roadmap to finding the best keywords for your biz

    Start 2024 off right with a confident Pinterest keyword plan, and more of the RIGHT eyeballs on your content or products.

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