why do we offer pinterest management services?

Every business has an origin story.

The high level view of the Simple Pin story is this:

  • Our family was totally broke
  • I knew a little about online marketing
  • A friend suggested I try managing Pinterest pages for other business owners

That’s it. And because we had a lot to lose if we didn’t figure out something financially, I dove in.

One thing I did know for sure, was that online business owners were spread super thin. They needed someone to take an aspect of their business off their plate.

And I could do that with Pinterest.

two people sitting and looking at phones with text "pinterest management services".

what pinterest management services do we offer?

With VERY little information out there about Pinterest, I taught myself how to do Pinterest management. This helped me pass on my expertise to other business owners in the form of managing for THEIR business.

Over the years, as people asked for more specific services, I started cleaning up people’s Pinterest pages, setting up their Pinterest boards, doing strategy calls with other biz owners so they could tackle things on their own.

While we were aligning our services with our client needs, we made sure we were educating ourselves on the changes happening on the platform. Our goal was to not only follow best practices, but to have strategies that actually WORKED for our clients.

RELATED: Lessons Learned From 8 Years in Business – The Simple Pin Story (podcast/blog post)

how did these services evolve?

Over the last few years, we still pinned for clients on a monthly basis, but were starting to evaluate how we were serving them. We wanted to find a way to optimize their accounts quicker BEFORE monthly management, instead of trying to optimize while also pinning monthly.

We have since shifted to starting all of our clients with a Simple Pin Accelerator package (to get them set up and optimized) before moving to a monthly pinning package.

With some exceptions of course, but for most new clients, this is where they start.

woman in black dress looking down at ipad and smiling.

our newest service includes:

  1. We get to know you – your business goals, your analytics, the assets, products, and content you already have
  2. A framework that we map out for you, and personalized Pinterest design templates
  3. A full audit of your Pinterest account – cleaning it up or building the infrastructure so you’re ready to go
  4. Keywords that will help your product or content get found in search
  5. A call with your account specialist to review everything we’ve done and plan to do
  6. We pin for you for a short period of time, so you can see what we do – when, why, and how

You’ll have a first hand look at all we do, and will understand each element that goes into developing a plan for your Pinterest marketing. 

RELATED: Why Pinterest in 2023? (podcast/blog post)

To sum all of this up, if you’re going to hire someone to work within or on your business, it’s important that they work with YOUR needs, are flexible with the changing market and platform they’ll be working on, and are up-to-date on current best practices.

Find out more about our Simple Pin Accelerator package here.

Additional Resources:

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