We’re kicking off something fun here at the podcast for the next few months – a Summer Story Series!

These interviews will be with a series of business owners I’ve handpicked to share their stories and hopefully give us some inspiration.

Some stories I’ve heard before and want to share with you, but others are totally new to me! I’m excited to be led down the path of their story to learn more about them, and possibly something about myself.

Don’t miss an episode of the Summer Story Series! Add a reminder to your calendar and be notified as soon as a new episode is released.

The first interview is with.. me!

I’ve asked my very first business coach, Leslie Samuel, to interview me about what it’s been like to grow Simple Pin Media from the start.

four women sitting around table with text "what it looks like to start a pinterest marketing agency".

In the podcast, he asked me the following:

  • What would you tell yourself if you could go back to before you started Simple Pin?
  • What were you doing before starting your business?
  • Where did this idea come from for you to start your business?
  • Why did you decide to focus on Pinterest and not focus on other platforms, like Facebook?
  • Did you experience any fear with starting your business?
  • How did you get your first client?
  • Do you remember what kind of feedback you were getting from your first clients?
  • What in your background made you so analytical?
  • What did you get from your dad and your mom that made you into who you are today?
  • How did you bring the concept of service into your business?
  • What are some of the bigger challenges you’ve faced in growing your business?
  • How do you navigate being a mom and wife, while managing a successful business?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What do things look like today for the business? 
  • What advice would you give someone who wants to build a business?

I hope that you get some inspiration from the Simple Pin story. I’ve shared some of it before, but it was super fun to have my first business coach to lead me through some of these different questions.

Also, I hope that you take some nuggets from this episode to help you move forward in your business, or that maybe it was the thing you needed to take the first step.

woman in white shirt with glasses.

If you feel comfortable sharing, I’d leave to hear from you! Did anything in my story resonate with you? Did you see yourself in the conversation at all? Leave a comment on this post or DM me on Instagram.

A huge thank you to Leslie Samuel for joining me on the podcast!

For further reading/listening:


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