Are you trying to figure out how to work your Pinterest marketing during a crisis? To be honest, this is not a topic I ever imagined myself talking about.

During times of uncertainty, it can be really hard to think clearly and create a plan that is different than what you had planned before. It can feel overwhelming.

In this episode, I’m going to give you five strategies for effective Pinterest marketing that will help you as you navigate the current world events.

white desk with laptop and flowers. Text overlay "strategies for effective pinterest marketing during a crisis".

How SPM Can Support You Now

SPM was started on the basis of supporting our clients. We began as a Pinterest management company, and over time, that merged into the realm of Pinterest marketing education.

My teaching has always been based on the philosophy that people need things that are simple, actionable, and true. Let’s look at some ways our team here at Simple Pin can support you during these uncertain times:

We want your Pinterest marketing to help you grow a business that is sustainable through a time of crisis. We want you to be getting traffic from Pinterest that converts.

The Simple Pin Pinterest Planner

Our Pinterest planner is 20 pages of monthly trends, stat tracking, checklists, and so much more.

You can print it off and use it as you are create a new plan for your Pinterest marketing throughout this time of uncertainty.

The Pinterest Image Guide

Quality pin images are one of the most important parts of a solid Pinterest marketing strategy. You can get our eight-page Pinterest Image Guide PDF that teaches you how to create the best images for Pinterest.

This guide covers everything from the best sizing for your Pinterest images to optimizing your images for mobile devices.

SPM Start and Grow Email Sequences

If you are brand new to Pinterest marketing, the Start email series is for you. Whether you’re just starting out creating your business or you don’t have a Pinterest profile set up yet, this will walk you through all the basics, step-by-step.

Related: How to Set Up a Pinterest Business Account from Scratch

Maybe you’ve already gotten started and are in a phase where you’re not sure how to keep growing. We can help you with that. Our Grow email series helps push you to the next level in your Pinterest marketing.

5 Strategies for Effective Pinterest Marketing During Crisis Times

These five strategies that I am about to share with you are things that I’m doing in order to pivot, change, and sustain my business. Not only does SPM provide an income for my family, but it also provides an income for 38 other families.

The pressure to market well during this time of crisis is definitely there. We can’t let ourselves to crumble under that pressure because that makes us ineffective.

I want everyone to take away something from this podcast episode that will help them generate momentum and keep them moving forward in their business, regardless of niche.

1. Your future self doesn’t get to criticize what you are doing now

You should never look back on this time and feel disappointed about the decisions you made. Just focus on doing what you know to do, and let that be enough for you, now and in the future.

2. Find your community to help you rally when you’re struggling

This is where brainstorming has to happen. Share with your community that you are out of ideas and they will help you come up with new content ideas. There is inspiration and comfort in seeing other business owners creatively adjusting.

3. Serve your people where they are

Adapt to the changes. It probably doesn’t make sense to share travel deals right now, but you can share how to change travel dates or how to switch tickets around. If you don’t know what your people need from you, ask them.

4. Be really sensitive when it comes to the products that you’re selling

I don’t think you should stop promoting your products. You might need to put a new spin on how you package your products and the message you’re using to market at this time. You want to keep serving your people well. Instead of discounting your products, add more value to them.

5. Watch the monthly Pinterest updates and see what people are searching for

Every single month, Pinterest does a recap on search trends are for that particular month. We also recap these updates in our SPM email newsletter that comes out each week on Wednesdays. Keeping up with these trends enables you to see what people are typing in the search bar and what problems they to solve. That, in turn, will help you create content that serves the user well.

white desk with laptop and flowers.
I would love to hear what you are doing to keep your Pinterest marketing moving forward. How are you adjusting to running your business during a time of crisis?

Are you growing or just sustaining?

What is your focus?

The main focus for us at SPM is supporting our people where they are.

Please leave us a comment about how we can be supporting you during this time. We want to be able to help you as you continue to keep your Pinterest marketing moving forward.

In the meantime, here’s a helpful summary of Pinterest trends by month to help you plan your content strategy:


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