Pinterest changes seem to come at lightning speed. Today, I’m thrilled to offer a new resource to help you stay on top of the constant Pinterest updates. Get ready to rock your Pinterest marketing by becoming a member of the Simple Pin Collective!

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How to Stay on Top of Pinterest Updates

At Simple Pin, we KNOW you’re in a rush to see the results of your Pinterest marketing. You want to see all your ideas take off and make your goals become a reality. We also understand that while you’re working to achieve those results, 10 different people are saying 10 different things about what works on Pinterest. 

You’re left spinning and wondering, “Am I doing this right?”

Over the past 5 years, I’ve created Pinterest marketing courses to fulfill the need for people to learn all they could about how Pinterest will help their business. But course after course, I still felt like something was missing. The connection with students was lacking and there never seemed to be time to implement.

You had the knowledge, but no plan.

I saw something else happening to my students — Pinterest marketing FOMO. They were constantly worried they were missing a secret trick to success. Business owners were spending a ton of cash buying course after course looking for the “secret”.

And you know what they found?

Most courses were teaching the same thing with a few outliers promoting spammy tactics. No trick. Just an expensive educational library full of online courses.

You were still left with the question, “Am I doing this right?”

Pinterest does change all the time, I’ll give you that. But the foundational principles, if mastered, will carry you through the long haul. It’s an investment over time. The snowball! So the “trick” really is how to stay true to the foundations, but make minor tweaks along the way, according to the current best practices on Pinterest. 

Then the question becomes,

“How do I stay on top of all the constant Pinterest updates?”

Here are a few tried and true ways to stay in the know:

All of these are free (and excellent) resources for Pinterest marketing, but lack a few key elements for success:

  • an action plan for what to do in your Pinterest marketing
  • implementation time
  • specific tasks for what to do next
  • feedback on how to make Pinterest work for you based on all that is changing
  • personalized help.

Let’s solve this problem with one comprehensive option — the Simple Pin Collective, a Pinterest marketing membership.

Why a membership community? Because you all are tired of:

  • buying courses and not having time to implement the strategies
  • feeling like you’re missing something when it comes to Pinterest marketing
  • feeling like Pinterest marketing is consuming your time and energy
  • pinning like it’s your full-time job and either not seeing results or not knowing what type of results to look for.

Inside the Simple Pin Collective, learning will occur in real time (unlike a course that is only updated every six months or so). If we see a Pinterest update or major change to the platform, you will be the first to know inside the Collective. Plus, within the group, we will have a place to talk about these changes and how they affect your business.

With a course, you are mostly working through it by yourself. Within the Collective, you can learn at your own pace, but also have access to monthly teaching, live Q&A sessions and more. It’s designed to help you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to Pinterest updates.

There is NO SECRET SAUCE for Pinterest. If there was, I’d be using it for my clients and they’d all be skyrocketing to the moon with Pinterest traffic.

This new Collective will include all the Pinterest marketing tips and strategies I have learned over the past few years (and already shared with you). But within the community, you will have a place for instant feedback after you implement, clear and concise calls to action for your business, and a great group of like-minded Pinterest marketers.

I’ll be teaching every single month, answering your questions and participating regularly in the Facebook community group along with admins and mentors I’ve hand-selected. The goal is for you to not just have the knowledge, but a way to learn AND time to take action. If you hit a roadblock while implementing, the team and I will be able to help you break through it. 

Pinterest Marketing Membership

Join the Simple Pin Collective today for just $97/month!

Click here to sign up today


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