Search Results for: trends

woman looking at Pinterest analytics on laptop - text "Pinterest Pin Statistics".

#248 – How to Use Pinterest Pin Statistics to Inform Your Pinterest Strategy

Today we are talking about how to use Pinterest pin statistics to improve your marketing strategy. We’ve talked about this topic several times before on the podcast (e.g., Why Pinterest Analytics Should be Defining Your Strategy and Understanding Pinterest Analytics) . But Pinterest seems to be in a constant state of flux when it comes…

fashionable woman walking on street - text "Pinterest marketing for fashion content creators".

#243 – Fashion on Pinterest: Pinterest Marketing in the Fashion Industry

Fashion on Pinterest is like butter on bread. It’s one of the core niches that the platform is known for. In fact, Pinterest is often the first place people come to discover their new look. For these reasons, having a solid Pinterest marketing strategy is critical to success in the fashion industry. Today we are…

empty cardboard box - text "thinking outside the box: Unique ways to use Pinterest for Business".

#242 – How to Use Pinterest in Unique Ways for Your Business

We talk a lot about how to use Pinterest for your business through pinning strategy, best practices, and various pin styles, but have you considered some of the non-traditional uses for Pinterest in your business? As people who run small businesses, we find that we can get fatigued with ideas and feel overwhelmed. That can…

tablet with Pinterest Presents Summit displayed - text "Pinterest user statistics in 2021".

Pinterest User Statistics in 2021 – The Pinterest Presents Summit

Get up-to-date Pinterest user statistics for 2021 in this summary of the Pinterest Presents Summit. Know your audience. We say this all the time, but how can you understand your audience on a platform that isn’t designed for conversation and social interaction? You can’t really get feedback from your pinners in the traditional methods you…

Kate Ahl of SImple Pin Media smiling in her office - text "The Simple Pin Media Story: What I would change".

#236 – Simple Pin Story 2021 Update: Lessons Learned Over Eight Years

It’s been almost eight years since the birth of Simple Pin Media and so much has happened in that time. I’ve learned a ton about Pinterest, growing an agency, working with a team, and what leadership looks like. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and there are things I would change. I feel like I…

business woman holding eyeglasses - text "how Pinterest's 4 objectives for 2021 should influence your marketing strategy".

#233 – How Pinterest’s Goals for 2021 Should Influence Your Marketing Strategy

Today we’re delivering a full recap of the Q4 earnings report that Pinterest delivered to investors. There is some fantastic information regarding Pinterest’s goals and  priorities for 2021, including where they see the most growth in investments, and what that means for shopping ads story pins. Alrighty, let’s dive into the fun! Ben Silbermann, CEO…

laptop computer with Canva website displayed - text "using Canva Pro to rock your Pinterest images".

#232 – Why We LOVE Canva Pro for Creating Pinterest Images

Designing with Canva is the topic of today’s episode of the Simple Pin Podcast. When it comes to design, I get slightly anxious at the thought of designing a pin (maybe even a little sweaty)! I’m convinced from the get-go that it’s going to look horrible! I’ve always felt like I lacked that left-brain artistic…

podcasting station set up in an office - text "Pinterest audience in differences across countries: U.S. vs. Canada.

#231 – Pinterest Audience Differences Across Countries: U.S. vs. Canada

When it comes to marketing on Pinterest, one of the biggest challenges is knowing how to get your content in front of the right people, no matter where they live. As Pinterest continues to expand, many businesses are asking how they can best reach their Pinterest audience, especially if they want that reach to extend…