Why and when should I hire Pinterest account manager?

This is a question we hear quite often in our discovery calls. In fact, it is probably the #1 question we hear. People just aren’t sure why they would want to hire out their Pinterest management. Even if they want to, they aren’t sure when is the right time.

I once heard someone say that when you get the same question more than three times, you should create a product. Instead of creating a product, I’m going to share the answers here with you.

If you’re not ready to hire someone and are looking for free Pinterest resources, we have tons. Check out our Simple Pin Pinterest Planner and our Resource page.

desktop with computer screen, keyboard and plants. Text overlay "When and How to Hire Out Pinterest Management".

Is a Pinterest Account Manager Right for Your Business?

The How, When, and Who 

I have been working as a service provider in the Pinterest management industry for the last six years and I have learned countless lessons. I hope to be able to continue to share those lessons on the podcast, but some of the main lessons I’ve learned are:

• How to work with people
• When to work with people
• Who we should be working with.

At Simple Pin Media, we are very picky about who we work with.

We consider the whole picture of our clients’ business — how often they create content and images, what their business plans are, what their business goals are, etc. Our Pinterest management agency is not a place where we just take on anyone who shows up.

I care way too much about other people’s businesses, (probably sometimes too much!) to think of my job that lightly. All the Pinterest stars have to align for us to move forward to sign an agreement to work together.

Creating Magic through Teamwork 

Why do I feel this way?

I don’t want to waste OUR time and I don’t want to waste YOUR time.

If we can come together in a great way, and both our businesses are able to work fluidly together, magic will happen.

Our decision to be selective regarding who we take on as clients leads to greater retention rates, and better results that take the form of:

That is what we want to see.

Why Should I Hire Someone to Manage My Pinterest Account? 

Why SHOULD I hire a Pinterest account manager?

Great question. There are three reasons why people hire someone to manage a service for them:

• to save time
• they don’t know what they’re doing
• the person you are hiring can take things to the next level for you.

I am not a micromanager. I believe that micromanaging kills all creativity. When you try to tell someone who is skilled how to do their job, they will either fire you or they will stop performing at their best.

I have a house cleaner. I can clean my own house but I hire someone to clean my house because I don’t want to. I hate cleaning. I work full-time and hiring someone allows me to focus on what I need to be focused on.

My house cleaner comes every two weeks and I want to sing her praises every time she comes. Some of you might feel this way about Pinterest.

What Will They Do For Me? 

What can you do that I can’t do for myself? 

If you’re using Pinterest, you love it, you’ve taken all the Pinterest courses, and you’re working on it 5-7 hours a week, we probably can’t improve on what you’re doing. You know your brand and content creation schedule very intimately.

Related: How Much Time do I Need to Invest in Pinterest Marketing?

While we strive to know your account as intimately as you do, we aren’t you. We can’t replace you.

I recently told someone who was spending 1-2 hours a week on Pinterest marketing that she wouldn’t be saving time by hiring us. She needed some minor tweaks to her account that could be taken care of in a consultation call.

That said, our entire job is Pinterest marketing.

We spend 15-30 hours a month on each client. On top of that, we have weekly internal Pinterest education briefs and constant administrative conversations within our team communication channels. In addition, I instruct my team every single week.

We have individual account specialists who operate under team leads. We have a team director who oversees all of our Pinterest management services and drives decisions for the best way to serve clients.

One account has 3 different touch points, as well as access to our SPM analytics team and our SPM image team. We’ve hired a data specialist to identify monthly trends and tell us what direction the traffic is going.

We have managed over 400 Pinterest accounts over the course of our six years of experience.

We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.

We have a lot of people working on your account. Not just you.

If you love Pinterest and love managing your account, keep doing it. But if you’re looking to hire someone, you have to look for someone who specializes in what you need.

When Is The Right Time to Hire a Pinterest Account Manager?

When should I actually hire you? 

This goes back to time. If you are drowning in tasks and you feel like your business is not moving forward, it’s time to hire.

Think about the value of your Pinterest marketing and anything else you’re spending money on.

I talked about coaching versus mastermind groups recently and the value of putting money into those things. What are you going to get out of hiring someone?

I hired a bookkeeper 2 years ago. I was spending 10 hours a month paying people and going through invoices. That 10 hours a month was costing me money.

Hiring a bookkeeper allowed me to focus on making more money back than I’m paying her.

You have to think about the return on your investment. What are you getting back for the money you’re spending to hire someone?

What About Overseas Virtual Assistants to Manage My Pinterest Account? 

Why can’t I just hire a $5/hour overseas virtual assistant? 

You absolutely can do that. Here are a few things you need to know:

• While they’re absolutely wonderful people, if you’re looking to target an audience outside of where they are located, their location and their culture will limit them. For example, one of my team members is living temporarily in South Africa and she completely forgot about the Super Bowl because it’s not a part of her daily life like it is here in North America

• These VAs can miss holidays, seasons, clothing and food trends, and more. There is a limit to how they can help you. It’s mega-cheap, but the quality might not generate the clicks and conversions you are striving for.

I’m not saying that supporting a $5/hour virtual assistant is a bad idea. Just know what you’re getting for your money.

If you have one of these virtual assistants, and they do an amazing job, you better give them a nice bonus!

desktop with computer screen, keyboard and plants.

Time to Outsource Your Pinterest Marketing?

If you are looking to hire a professional team for management, I want you to fill out our application.

During the discovery call, we’ll dive deep into whether this will be a good fit for you and for us. I care about your business. This isn’t a hobby and I don’t want to waste your time or money.

Complete the form and we’ll follow up with a discovery call.

We’ll figure out the best way to serve you and your business. Maybe that’s scheduling a consultation call. Perhaps it’s utilizing our image creation team. Or maybe you’re ready for a full takeover of your Pinterest management.

Review the things we discussed in this episode and think about what YOU need from a service provider.

If and when you do hire a service provider, please be nice to your people. When you work with someone, never assume ill intent. Accidents happen. People are human. Treat them as such and above all else, #bekind.

If you’re unable to afford to hire an SPM Pinterest account manager, send me an email or fill out the form and let us help you figure out what’s best for you.

For Further Listening/Reading:

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